作者:Carroll, Lewis
出版社:Bantam Classic & Loveswept
“此商品為原著,內容包括《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland 及續集《愛麗絲鏡中奇遇》Through the Looking Glass
When Alice tumbles down, down, down a rabbit-hole one hot summer’s afternoon in pursuit of a White Rabbit she finds herself in Wonderland. And there begin the fantastical adventures that will see her experiencing extraordinary changes in size, swimming in a pool of her own tears and attending the very maddest of tea parties. For Wonderland is no ordinary place and the characters that populate it are quite unlike anybody young Alice has ever met before. In this imaginary land she encounters the savagely violent Queen, the Lachrymose Mock Turtle, the laconic Cheshire Cat and the hookah-smoking Caterpillar, each as surprising and outlandish as the next. Alice’s adventures have made her the stuff of legend, the child heroine par excellence, and ensured that Carroll’s book is the best loved and most widely read in children’s literature.
愛麗絲在追逐白兔時,不小心掉進兔子洞裡,因而跌入一個奇幻的世界。在那裡,愛麗絲能夠任意縮小變大,所有的動物都會講話,撲克牌亦自組成一個王國。隨著引人入勝的情節,我們的心情也跟著愛麗絲一同冒險,到最後才發現,這究竟不過是一場夢。 ”
另一本为了让自己英文进步而看的书。为了更容易了解,还看了去年(应该是)上映的电影。我说,其实Alice in Wonderland是童话故事吧?用的词很深呢=_=
- That's the reason they're called lessons, because they lessen from day to day.
- One can't believe impossible things.