[閲讀心得]《The Bright Effect》感情確實沒有先來後到

The Bright Effect
作者:Autumn Doughton,‎ Erica Cope





Bash (Sebastian) 和Seth的友情有基情,尤其是他們在某一晚因為警笛聲而不約而同的衝去7歲弟弟Carter的房間,確定他沒被吵醒。這....過後他們也選擇一起生活一起在Bash學校城市一起租一間屋子。

反而Amelia和Audra拋下一切開始兩個月的road trip。




1. “Hmmm… And I guess you can’t make a wish on a satellite?” “Only if you’re wishing for better cell phone reception.”
2. The only thing that I would classify as torture is being forced to have this conversation with you
3. There’s always time for books
4. If something scares you then it’s probably worth doing
5. Tell me what else should I have done? Doesn’t everything die at last, and too soon? ~Mary Oliver
6. I prefer my bed. I’m thinking of having this made my permanent address.
7. While you’re barricaded up here in your tower, the earth is down there movin’ on without you.
8. there was a time not that long ago you didn’t think you’d ever smile again. But you did. And maybe if I had been stronger or if I’d had more hope, I would’ve been around long enough to be the one you were smiling at.
9. it was easier to be angry than feel the hurt.
10. Amelia: Forget me or Forgive me? Bash: Forgive. I could never forget you.
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