Fix: Send to Kindle ePub missing cover

If you are a kindle user you may always sideload external ebooks to Kindle device that purchased from eBook markets other than Amazon, and you would have notice the imported books have no cover when it's showing fine in Kindle Apps.

1. Why This Happen?
2. Quick Fix: Tutorial
3. Options to Transfer To Kindle

Why This Happen?

Most of the ePub book have ID registered in the file itself to identify the book, usually this are ISBN or ASIN number. With this identifier, Kindle device will perform cross check to their library and update the cover when they couldn't recognize the book in their library system, in this case, the cover will be removed.

Since we now identified the culprit, this can be resolved easily!

Quick Fix: Tutorial

1. Download & install Calibre, here.
2. Launch Calibre, import the ready eBook ePUB format into Calibre
3. Select "Edit Metada" from menu, and clear the Ids box.
4. Click OK.
5. Now, convert to Mobi.
6. The book is ready! Make sure you send the correct Calibre's ebook to your Kindle device, use "Path: Click to open" at the right bar to reach the Calibre's cleaned up file.
7. Send the file in step 6 to your device. Done!

Options to Transfer To Kindle

There are 4 options to Send To Kindle:
1. Connect your Kindle to PC, in Calibre, select a book, and hit Send To Device (this menu option appears only if you have Kindle connected)
2. Connect your Kindle to PC, copy and paste the cleaned up file into your Kindle > Document folder
3. Use "Send To Kindle" mini software (published by Amazon)
4. Send as Email, attach the ePUB file as attachment, email recipient to your device's Kindle Email Address.

I hope this article helps you resolve your issue in getting a pretty clean up shelf in Kindle Device. It's so much satisfy to have eBooks or personal document appears with correct cover. Cheers!
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