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Book Review: The Art Of Note Taking | Start with a pen

I wish I read this book during my school time. Awesome tips from the book.

The Art Of Note Taking Thinknetic
The Art Of Note Taking:
Your Research-Based Guide To Taking Notes That Will Stick To Your Memory
by Thinknetic
Recommended: 5/5

In this article:
1. Very summary of the book
2. Mini note taking libraries

Very summary of the book

Published by November 1st 2022. A kind of self-help book, about how can you take notes effectively.

Mini note taking libraries

Author shared few type of notes in the writing, also their purposes and benefits - the occasion of using each different type of notes, outline, cornell, mindmap etc. Actually is kind of Google-Article reading, but if you would prefer to find these information from Google, then you might skip this reading.

This book is high value, I'm reading this under Kindle Unlimited subscriptions, so basically I'm reading this for free. The writing is simple and straight to the point, you get to read immediately for what the author trying to share.

I would really recommend this as a quick reading for any individual that deal with classes, discussion, meeting or even brainstorming. Few hours reading, the return of investment is more than the Google search "type of notes" since it's consolidated and focus discussion in this book.

Valuable quotes from the readings

  • note-taking is not an end in itself. Oftentimes, it is the beginning of something bigger and better than anything we could have anticipated.
  • It Provides A Repository And Documentation Of Our Thinking.
  • Thinking is done consciously or subconsciously. It is “searching for answers while reaching for meaning.”
  • Critical thinking is a sense-making process.
  • Those Who Keep Learning, Will Keep Rising In Life.
  • The most successful people in life are those who enjoy learning and asking questions
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