Book Review: The Atlantis Gene | You will be missed even 100 years past

The Atlantis Gene
The Atlantis Gene (The Origin Mystery #1)
A.G. Riddle

Slow pace yet full of details. Surprised and surprised again by the continuous scenes. Characters seems not link to each other ended up bond into strong relationship. Even human from 100+ years ago is still inline with 20 century's! It's a strategic story progress that  keep trying to reduce reader's wary yet end up we're trapped. However the rich story line is just foreshadowing of this series. 

Mr Kate Warner, an autism researcher. David Vale, an ex-military soldier and member of clock tower. They are being linked by Martin, who is Kate's adopted father and Research sponsor, who also David's head, and one who also working for Bell. 

All this 20 century people is now fighting with people from 100+ years ago. All this began from the subs in Antartica, that with slow-time zone and dormant tube, that held these people from getting age. 

Book #1 haven't talk about plague or pandemic in details yet, it's now look like early stage of pandemic I hope they would focus this later in book #2. However the writing do slightly confuse due to the scene jump, as all the characters have to met each other at their own timeline. 

I got this reading from Amazon Prime, such a good book allocated into Prime Read. Looking forward to book #2! Shall wait for the surprises & timeless magic provided by A.G. Riddle again soon. It's fun. 

  • You assume they’re hostile. Because you’re hostile
  • Life is hard—for everyone—but it’s hell on earth if you’re foolish or weak.
  • Standard interrogation: break down your subject, assert superiority, and convince them that talking is the only option.
  • Things look a lot different when you spend almost a year in a hospital, learning to walk by day and asking why by night.

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