Book Review: Girl, Stop Apologizing | If not now, then when?

Girl, Stop Apologizing
Girl, Stop Apologizing: A Shame-Free Plan for Embracing and Achieving Your Goals
Rachel Hollis

The author, Rachel Hollis is a public speaker, and verbal-influencer. She is good at locking your attentions to listen to her advices and her talking. Her sentences are in a pushy way that forcing you to listen and agree, and continue the listening & agree.

It's a passionate reading during the first half of the book. Unfortunately, I have complicated feelings over the book from 48% onwards. It tooks too long hours for me to be in a pushy talking that end up hit the tolerant limit and feel like "can you stop talking?" No doubt it would be a passionate speech when it come to a 2 hours public speaking, but perhaps not for reading.

From 48% onwards, the writing sounded like from a different writer. It turns so sudden and extreme, and instruct. The author begins showing up her over desired in wanting to be a successful woman. She would on her laptop to work during her kids time activities, saying that also telling/teaching her kids to work hard for successful life. I've no doubt for the later say, but I would prefer a 100% focus when admitted to an event.

Rachel also shared "Other People's Opinion Flow Chart", from the flow chart below, every comments flowed to "don't worry about it." I think what she wants to brough out is never allow other people's opinion bring you down or stop yourself from moving forward.
I'm looking for something valuable until the end of the book, but there's nothing uniquely offered by this reading. Advices written in book can be found from Googling "how to achieve your goals" or "productive tricks". Like morning routine, email read once, stay healthy, these are being listed.

Better option, may look for a public speaking video if you needs a motivation boost.

  • Talents and skills are like any other living thing—they can’t grow in the dark.
  • in the absence of experience or knowledge, determination makes the difference between where you are and where you want to be!
  • We tend to see people not as they are but as we are.
  • You aren’t going to find the time to pursue your goals; you’re going to make the time to pursue your goals.
  • It’s been said that, “If you want something you’ve never had, you have to do something you’ve never done.”
  • What am I willing to give up in order to get it?
  • If not now, then when?
  • It’s not that you’re not enough to cross the finish line; it’s just that you haven’t yet figured out how to run this particular race.
  • Not having the knowledge just makes you teachable, not stupid. Not being in shape just makes you moldable, not lazy. Not having the experience just makes you eager, not ignorant.
  • Holy crap. No, seriously. That’s a load of crap wrapped up and pretending to be holy.
  • Girls, stop comparing your beginning with my middle! Or anyone else’s for that matter.
  • “The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The second-best time is now.”
  • Nobody deserves verbal and mental abuse, and every time you allow it to happen you’re giving that person permission to treat you that way.
  • someone else’s opinion only holds power if you allow it to.
  • If you actively take steps and intentionally begin to live without obsessing over what other people think, it will be the most freeing decision of your life.
  • When everything is important, nothing is important.
  • You have to have the leverage—you have to know your why—or you will never make change. You have to know what to focus on, or you will never make progress.
  • If you don’t have an hour to spare, you don’t have a life.
  • If you spend your day looking for blessings—here’s the magic—you’ll find them.
  • if you own the morning, then you own the day. If you own the day, then you own the week.
  • Who you are is defined by the next decision you make, not the last one. So get planning, make your road map, and take the next step
  • It’s not your job to make yourself fit into anyone else’s ideal. It’s your job to start believing in who you are and what you’re capable of. It’s time to be yourself, unapologetically, and to show the world what happens when a woman challenges herself for greatness.

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