3 Things You Need to Know About Digital Planning

Getting a digital planner? New to digital planner? Choosing between undated and dated planner? Read this!

1. The reusable of undated planner

Due to a worth-a-value feel, most of the users would pick an undated planner as first choice, because of reusable. Me too! However after few dated setup on my own for 6 months, the setup is really time consuming & imagine if got to do it weekly/monthly or even daily. I am a monthly & weekly calendar user, monthly for project management overview, weekly for sprint focus. Finally, I go for a dated copy for the sake of saving my time, so basically my so call the reusable planner used only for 6 months and never in touch anymore.

2. Link between Google Calendar and Digital Planner

I'm sorry to make you disappointed, It's not linked. Basically digital planner is just a digital copy of physical notebook that you can control the pages (move duplicate etc) or written contents (move duplicate resize etc). There is a note taking apps allows date linking by adjusting the notes itself, but again back to point 1, if got to do this... you may spending time doing setup instead of doing planning, unless you are enjoying. Good news is you can drag Calendar's event into GoodNotes and it will automatically convert into text for GoodNotes.

3. The ROI for Apple Pencil & iPad

Yea this the biggest struggle if you are new to iPad or any tablets. If you are using physical planner and non stationery addicts, iPad is really super worth it! and you may get a stylus to replace Apple Pencil, there are so many options on the market nowadays. I get both iPad & Apple Pencil straight away when I noticed I got to get more stationery and books to support my planning, and...storage, physical spaces organize, you can just change to any pen color & highlighter colors, and you can zooooooom in and out! it's just too much benefits to mention as 1 point here, this itself can be one article!

I hope the short and straight points above helped you better understand the most-common Q&A gathered from my personal digital planner experience.

This is really a huge and trending topic nowadays when it involved personal preference. You will found yours.
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