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Book Review: The Book With No Answers | Laugh and learn

Others always said I been asking so many questions. And, now I get myself to read this book that contains alot of questions, too.

The Book With No Answers: Unlocking the Power of Questions for a Better Life
The Book With No Answers:
Unlocking the Power of Questions for a Better Life
by Robert James Maiolo
Recommended: 5/5

In this article:
1. Describe the reading
2. Laugh & Learn

Describe the reading

Published by November 4th 2022. A self-development reading, humour writing, chill guides to dig the true answers from your inner deep, suggest to reread at different stage of life. A highly recommended reading.

Laugh & Learn

This is my first time reading book from Robert. I. LOVE. IT. Surprisingly, this book really didn't have answers, Robert is not cheating. The book contains alot of questions. Robert shared that how you can slice ONE question into multiple questions to get to the correct answers. And he guides us how can we find the answer from yourself, your thoughts, and your preferences using his own experiences/stories. Fair enough, since this is your life, and every individual have unique preferences/thoughts.

The interesting part is, this book started with a guide to setting up your personal roadmap. It's a fun part that it made the reading learning while playing, and it came to a little serious mode at part 2 of the book, that alert us like "you can be playful but please be responsible to your life".

I really love the aura and the mood flowing throughout the entire reading experience. Great book!

Valuable quotes from the readings

  • The better we can frame the questions in our life, the more successful we will be in finding the right answers.
  • Just promise me when you’re done, you won’t write another fucking self-help book.
  • The first step to being successful is defining what success means to you.
  • Don't just think about saving enough money, think about what you’re going to do with all that free time.
  • this is your life and the only approval you need is your own.
  • Don't forget to look out the window, this is part of the trip too.
  • If you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there
  • Doing something is better than doing nothing,
  • When I was working at Big Green Bank, there was a lot of movement. I worked a lot. Was I making progress toward my goals? I wasn’t. I was making progress for someone else’s goals.
  • It doesn't matter how fast you're traveling along your path, it's much more important that you're traveling on a path and making some sort of progress toward a goal.
  • Motivation isn’t the goal, discipline is.
  • If it's this important, why not start now?
  • What’s something that you did in the past month that you never want to do again?
  • Count your blessings while you still have them.
  • How many of your beliefs only exist because other people believe it.
  • How many of those beliefs would you still have if you were the only person on the planet that believed them?
  • Kindness to others is a great way to find success in your life.
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