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Develop Reading Habit With 1 Principle

Surprisingly I received a lot of reactions & questions regarding my #33 reading story post. I never thought that the number is awesome. Instead, the excited part is I’ve a significant growth in 2022 reading experience.

In this article:
1. The One reading principle
2. Nurture your reading experience
3. Abandon the reading when you feel struggle
4. How to get the correct book?
5. Catch the reading timing
6. Just keep in mind
7. Highlight my reading growth

The One reading principle

I’ve 22 years reading experience, yes never aware until I start the math... Throughout the years, there’s only 1 principle for my reading habit:
Select books according to acceptance level.

Meaning to say, I read only books that I enjoy from inner deep, I purchase a book according to my latest mood even they are a 0 sales title, I abandon a reading as long as I don't enjoy for first 10%.

Nurture your reading experience

If you are only selecting books that other readers favorited, it’s ranked, it’s bestseller, it’s famous, stop it. They are great books, but those readings might not fit your personal experience, growth and pursue, or yet. When you unfortunately grab not-suitable reading, you struggle reading it and it’s painful. In long term, you hate reading.

How then? Start with your preferences and genres that you currently pursue or enjoy. It could be a short story, romance, novel, fantasy, anything! Nurture your reading experience. Respect that you have unique preferred genres among the 8 billion human crowd.

Abandon the reading when you feel struggle

Books you love, doesn’t mean it’s book that fits you yet.

How can you evaluate? If you feeling reluctant and not enjoying the book for first 10%, mark abandon. Life is too short to held by depress reading. You will grow, and someday you might get back and enjoy the book when you are ready.

Just keep in mind that - reading is suppose an entertainment!
* To students: I referring to reading, not study.

P/s: I’ve 5 abandoned reading in 2022, and one of them is a high ranked book with 100k ratings on Amazon. Well.

How to get the correct book?

Before checkout a book, feels your mood first, add to wish list if you are not in mood yet. Is really that simple. Believe & respect your guts feeling.

When you feels motivated & passionate, browse non-fiction list.
When you feels stress or looking for adventure, browse fiction reading.
Happy shopping!

Catch the reading timing

If you don’t feel like reading today, don’t read. If you feels like read for 5 minutes, please read. Yes, reading is an entertainment.

I always read for 5 minutes, 2 pages, or even 1 chapter, grab whenever I want to, even the half way I'm watching drama or doing coding. You don’t have to make a coffee and setup a cozy sofa for reading, of course you can if you want to, just make sure you respond fast enough when reading mood kicks in (or after taking photos for social media).

Just keep in mind

Reading is suppose an entertainment. Take it slowly, read what you enjoy, so you enjoy reading.

Highlights my reading growth

A little additional stories here about my reading route:
By 2001, I started with romance novel from Taiwan author. Quick start.
By 2006, I get translated English to Chinese fiction reading - mostly fantasy.
By 2019, a huge turning point, yes after 13 years, a friend encourage me to start English reading since my preferred genre are all originated from English edition. I started with sample reading to make sure it’s easy to consume before I made purchase, I select every book carefully to make sure I take mini step each time.
By 2021, I start grabbing English fantasy & non-fiction titles, wrap up with 5 non-fictions + 16 fictions reading at the end of the year.
By 2022, my reading directions expanded to self-development. Closing 2022 with 14 non-fictions + 19 fictions titles. And this year, I got a new favorite genre - self-development.

36 English titles shelved for the past 3 years, I no longer have to wait for the translated copy. Big thanks to the friend who get me started, and he is now my boyfriend. I really love how he always encourage me in improving.

Thank you for getting me better. ❤️

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