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Stop Year End Anxiety

Feeling anxious while everyone showing their year end wrap-up? It’s December again! This is the month we summarize the 365 days. The month that you blame yourself the most for not working hard enough, for not having achievements.

I really achieving nothing...

Shut up! I’ve never believe someone could have zero progress throughout the year.

You’re not “achieving nothing”, you are ignoring the efforts.

Here’s some examples.
✨ ”I want to exercise more!” - look at your Apple Watch, I’m sure you’ve closed few rings especially during the New Year’s resolution shouting.
✨ ”I want to start cooking!” - you might not expert in the cooking yet, but you learnt how to make a scramble egg.
✨ ”I must do reading this year!” - you might completed only 3 pages, but that means you’ve a least favorite genre now. Throw that book away.

Stop ignoring the efforts!

The effort you walk to work (that’s exercise!), the effort you messing out the seasonings in the kitchen, the effort you throw the book.

The fact is, 31-December is not the-end. Your yearly goals maybe changing, but it’s not necessary to be declared as a failure, it’s just.. yet to complete, or on the way to complete.

Celebrate small steps, celebrate your walks, celebrate your flips. You are doing good.

Ultimate Tips

Stop having someone else’s New Year’s Resolution as yours.

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