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Book Review: King of Wrath (Kings of Sin) / King of Pride

How time overtake the hates. How communication overtake the misunderstanding.

King of Wrath Ana Huang
King of Wrath (Kings of Sin, #1)
Ana Huang
Recommended: 5/5

In this article:
1. Very summary of the book
2. Highlights, or maybe rephrasing the story
3. Chill relax & I'll be back

Very summary of the book

This is a Asian-tendy-drama-like novel. Story among SUPER rich. Yea.. we needs these story, to feel the possible in our impossible real life. Anyway, is a sweetness overloaded love story.

Antecedents & consequences

Dante Rasso is a rich, I mean a billionaire CEO.. that's a prerequisite, so that he can do every possible thing using his title, and doing anything anytime he wanted. LOL. He got a blackmail from Lau, another rich with Jewelry business. And threaten Dante to marry the daughter - Vivian Lau.

Vivian Lau is a family-oriented daugther, she always ready herself for a business marriage for the sake of family, although she has her own event organiser business, she is prepare herself whenever her family need her. So.. she got zero comments when she is required to married to a stranger.

And like.. Dante likes to bully Vivian because she is enemy's daughter. But slowly, affections appear. How it happen? That's love, no reason. A male and a female, things can happen.

Chill relax & I'll be back

It's a chill, relax and romance reading. I read this after a non-fiction reading to balance my over-reality brain. Girl's matter. And I think I'm getting the book 2.

Valuable quotes from the readings

  • The world moved too quickly for me not to move along with it.
  • It’ll happen. Persistence always wins.
  • There was no one more irritating than someone who didn’t stand up for herself.
  • Cowards always pick on people who can’t fight back.
  • Crises don’t operate on a workweek schedule.
  • The fact you don’t know what the problem is, is the problem.
  • It’s your life. Don’t waste it.

Updated 02-July-2023 - King of Pride

Hmmm. I read King of Pride (Kings of Sin #2) on this May, but seriously I couldn't get a value that encourage me to open up a new blog post, hence I decided to add simple notes here. To be frank, after 2 months of finish reading it... I'm now couldn't recall at all what this book #2 about. That's weird. So I think I would just simply made a chop here. MEH.

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