Why I converted to Digital Reading / eBook Reading Beginner Tips

 Why digital reading? Why eBook? I am a physical book lover, I love reading with physical form and especially thick-heavy book. As a 15 years readers, I constantly review and improve my reading experience. And after a 17 months of digital reading, heres the sharing and tips.

The Key Triggers

What's the main reasons that really hit me to go for digital reading?

  • Release Physical storage - Most houses nowadays actually do not have sufficient spaces to own a big bookshelf. In the end, all completed book would packed into boxes, and.. just staying there. It's another challenge to get them a space even they are in boxes, books are so heavy that they got to kept in a solid place so it won't bend your wardrobe etc. Which means they might also occupying the most reachable areas.
  • Take care the yellowish - Every reader have this issue. I have been doing a lot of research and trying to kept them from yellowish, it's quite effective. What I do? I full wrap them after they are completed. Yea, full wrapped. Which means there will be lesser chance to unwrap and flip through each of them, because I do not want to wrap them again and again.
    Some Interesting Facts: Taiwan's book is a paper quality that they don't get yellowish easily, however they are also the heaviest among the books I have seen.
  • Never re-read - Well, as mentioned above, and re-read is only for certain books, perhaps a 5% of entire life's reading.
  • Difficult to re-sell or make donations - If you thought buying physical book can be sell as second hand later, this is a big NO. I decided to get rid my existing physical books after hit by the major points above. But I met issue in selling or making donations. There are wide genre these days, and so it's VERY DIFFICULT to met a same genre favor reader, so far I only successfully sold 1% of my books. Donation? Not all genre of books are accepted for donations too, so you have to go through the registration and clarifications of books, send over for verifications and they will pick only the acceptable books.
  • And finally, when I finally understand that the value of reading is the take away from a book, not by owning them. With this I break my final struggles.

Benefits of Digital Reading

  • Space-free. According to the international statistic, average reader read 12 books per year. Imagine we purchase minimum 12 books per year, and 10 years later I would own 120 books. and physical storage is increasing significantly although each books seems "slim" on their own. Plus a bookshelf?
  • Seamless Delivery - Online shopping spree allowed us to grab anything we wants easily with just a finger click. But delivery for book is still a controversy due to the weight of book. With digital ebook, all contents can get within the seconds after you made a purchase or download. PS: still you are not encourage an over-purchase even you can get it easily 🙂
  • Handy - You can grab them anytime and anywhere, when you are transiting, queuing for foods, sitting in the car waiting for your partner. Worry-free for heavy back. I myself always read even when I standing for transiting to work.
  • Thousands of book in single device - comics, novel and non-fiction, you can switch anytime within your fingertip according to your mood.
  • Dictionary & highlight - Every reading have a take away, I love making notes or highlight for reference for read review later. Dictionary in ebook reader is so helpful you can check and continue the reading without even move your eyes away from the device.

How To Start Digital Reading?

It takes time to convert to 100% digital reading, you must expect the following possible transitions:

  • Decide a device to start digital reading - It can be iPad, mobile phone or an ebook reader. I started with mobile phone reading, and now fully on Kindle. Stay calm and try to accommodate the reading atmosphere & your acceptance level of screen reading. You may take time to accept the change.... but imagine if you are browsing FB for hours, it less likely a challenge. 🙌
  • Complete The Existing physical books - most reader always have ready-to-read books staying in bookshelf. You are encourage to complete these pending books along while you are trying digital reading.
  • Read Physical and eBook in the same time - you can arrange a physical book reading when you are at home, and with ebook reading when you are out from home. This will get you started with the feeling of carrying a digital ebook reader & getting more favourite contents into the ebook reader.
  • Clean up Physical Book - donate and sell them as second hand books. Don't sad. When the books are being held for years yet not reading it, they may no longer hitting your reading priorities due to your progressively life changes. So, get some space and ready for your future read & lifestyle.
  • where should I get my ebook? - common issue for eBook readers. You might be struggle in paying to get a digital book, please remember you are getting all the benefits mentioned in "Benefits" section above. Personally I'm getting all my books from Amazon Kindle eBook section at the moment. Kindle eBook is all well structured and provides a complete reading eco system, their eBooks built in with wise read features, reading estimation hours, Goodreads auto link and update whenever you start and completed a reading. And the most importantly, Amazon Kindle eBook are affordable, starting from USD 0.99!

Amazon Kindle eBook Buying Tips

There's plenty of promotion or discount on Kindle Store, unfortunately you will not get notified when there's a discount. eReaderIQ, is a 3rdparty that track Kindle's price and notify you when there's a discount of your subscribed books within 24 hours. I successfully get alot of book in best price since using this 3rdparty tracker.

Vague eBook Industry

However eBook industry is still vague and weak in terms of copyright infringment or digital assests protections. As I would see there's no confirm trend for ebook market growth, there are too many uncertains and situation that not covered. By now, at least, it's a good timing to enjoy digital goods.


I've been in digital reading for 17 months, since Feb 2020. I feel so much relieved from having to organize physical books! And less worried to prepare a storage especially for them. I could grab any books I want from my eBook reader - Kindle Paperwhite, anytime.

I'm now fully a eBook reader, with 2 kindle devices with me (due to a broken and upgrade). They served me well for both text reading and audiobook. Still I have physical books wrapped in boxes and never stop listing them from selling, but it really take so long time to eyes by someone that having same fav genre, even selling so cheap.

Remember, review and track reading expenses, that may help to decide if any membership subscriptions can save you more, such like Kindle Unlimited subscriptions, there are free trial as well.

Go digital, try eBook reading, you will enjoy and amazed by the convenience that technology brought to us for sure.

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